Monday, September 7, 2009

nick hogan's S15

I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend! I pretty much relaxed all weekend and ate alot of good grub.

I randomly spotted Nick Hogan's S15 Silvia in Santa Monica last week coming up Main St. on my Bike. Apparently he is in my area of town these days. I did some research on the car after someone mentioned they thought it was his, and I came up with some photos of him hanging out with Kallusive at restaurants in West LA with his S15. Here's a random snap from my crappy cell.


Midnight Run said...

Thats a dope ride, and from what I heard, he goes to SP engieering to get the tunings done..

grippymonkey said...

a bitch? He made a mistake. I would give anyone a 2nd chance that is genuinely sorry. I know alot of people that could have easily cause harm to someone else by simply pushing it too hard in their car. I hear he's a good person, and a really humble guy to hang around.

btw I actually saw him driving the car yesterday. It was really random.