Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This is no doubt the craziest Celica (newer model) of all time. Love or hate the style... it's turbo'd for nothing but sideways fun. This generation Celica is one that I absolutely hate. There's not too many cars that I despise, but I think the 3G celica takes the cake for me. For some reason this one is really cool. Maybe because it has demon camber, is a little bit ricey, but at the same time it's an obvious "I don't give a damn" kind of car and the dude is going hardcore with it.


Stew said...

This car isn't rear wheel drive at all, its FF sideways fun ;)

Macan said...

I don't think it was converted to RWD.

Source: http://noriyaro.com/?p=4934

Kenny said...

im not 100% sure but i thought this was still a FF?

N. Mitchell said...

Its actually FF not FR.

grippymonkey said...

My bad.. I just figured.. all I saw was the pics.

Jacob said...
